In short, I'm getting an FPS drops roughly 5-10 seconds in games. This drop in FPS causes a noticeable stutter, I have pretty high fps in these games but then it freezes every 5-10 seconds or so and that causes a noticeable jolt/stutter/frame drop.
PC - Specs
- Ryzen 5 5600x Stock
I have an Alienware Area 51m R1 and when I'm playing with both chargers connected the FPS drops too low and I can't play.
Usually drops from 200 fps to 30 fps
When I leave only one charger connected the FPS remains stable around 180 fps to 200 fps.
Check in the BIOS and when the two are...
Hey guys.
MOBO: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3
CPU : AMD FX-8300
8GB ram
About a week ago I started having fps drops in games. In valorant for example my average fps would be 110-130, but drop to 40-60 for about 10 seconds occasionally and people would tell me my mic would...