fractal defing r5

Forum discussion tagged with fractal defing r5.
  1. 9900k

    Question Will the Pi 4 support work with a 7-pin Inland 128x64 OLED Display ?

    Hello. I am new to this site. I have a Pi 4 and a 128x64 fractal matrix display from MicroCenter that I was told should work with this last week when I bought it. On the packaging, it does not mention that it should work with the Pi or any other board. It is way different from any other small...
  2. M

    will my pc handle the next games ?

    so before dropping 100$ on games i wanna know if my pc will work fine so my specs are : I5 3570K (3.4/3.8) 8 GB RAM r9 380 4gb will my pc handle the next games : The witcher 3 , the divsion, assassin creed syndicat ? thx for the help :)