So heres the tldr: pc started blue-screening and crashing like crazy the past few days. Everything pointed to a corrupt windows-beta installed, with some errors coming from graphics drivers. Decided to reinstall windows, froze during this process, no longer boots past motherboard logo on screen...
Hi, I bought a Razer Blade 15 with the RTX 2070 not to long ago and today I was installing the Epic Games store but it froze and gave me the blue screen of death. I figured, "ah whatever" and restarted the laptop. To my surprise, the laptop booted to the bios and for some reason under "Boot" the...
Windows not booting and freezing on dots
Mother Board: Gigabyte B360 ds3h
I just recently changed my CPU and GPU to a i5-9600k and an MSI 2060. But after the change my windows wont boot. I can get my screen to post and be in the Bios but when I...