future potential

Forum discussion tagged with future potential.
  1. Hydroshot

    [SOLVED] How "future proof" am i for gaming?

    I have recently upgraded my PC here are my main specs: Ryzen 1600 w/ hyper 212 cooler RX 480 4 gb ( powercolor ) 8GB DDR4 2400mhz G.skill ram Antec HGC 620W psu MSI 350b pro gaming mobo I play mostly AAA titles at 1080p and i keep my settings around normal levels and i plan on doing some...
  2. N

    Choosing a laptop help? In NZ

    Hi there, I am looking at a laptop in nz. cutting a lot of sites down I have been looking at: https://www.pbtech.co.nz/category/computers/gaming-laptops?fs=1056410 I want an i7 and a ssd and want at least a decent gpu and decent battery life. hanks