G Skill Trident

Forum discussion tagged with G Skill Trident.
  1. S

    Question 3200mhz ram works only 3000mhz

    Build new pc spec are 12400f Asus b660m plus d4 Tridentz F4-3200C16D-16GTZR nzxt h510 flow Pc runs perfectly fine while using everything auto in bios dram configuration but as soon as I set xmp 1/2 system doesn't start and bios gets reset tried 3600mhz tried 3200mhz with 1.4v same problem but...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Ram, g skill or Corsair

    Cpu is 3900x. Because of price difference of each stick. I need help deciding between, Corsair pro rgb 3200mhz C16. 2x8 ($101) G Skill Trident Z C14. 2x8 ($116) Corsair pro rgb 2x8 3600mhz C18 Amd Optimized ($115) Which will give best performance in a ryzen build?
  3. MuerteLeyenda

    [SOLVED] Want to buy new ram and having trouble.

    Hello! I have 2x8GB G. Skill ram the exact one you will see on the link https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c16d-16gtzr and they are DIMM 2 so my question is, if i buy another 2x8GB the exact same model will they work find together? Thank you!
  4. S

    Question My RAM works selectively and I can't figure it out

    https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tYg2dX So I built this 6 months ago. Last month my motherboard started giving me a DRAM light and wouldn't boot. Uh oh, I think, so I reseat the RAM a few times. The problem goes away. Run Windows Memory Diagnostics. No problems found. A few weeks later, same...
  5. S

    Toshiba Satellite C55-A5286 CPU Upgrade? Laptop

    I currently have an Toshiba Satellite C55-A5286 Laptop and I plan on upgrading it for increased performance all around. I have narrowed down that I can get 16GB of DDR3 RAM for it and that an SSD would work with it. I want to upgrade the CPU too because as of now it has a Core i3-3120M (Dual...