game launchers

Forum discussion tagged with game launchers.
  1. D

    [SOLVED] Why do my game launchers download so slow?

    i use a 1000mbps powerline adapter, i am aware that 1000mbps is around 125mbs which is more than enough as my internet provider gives around 60mbs. however when i do internet speed tests i receive 30mbs download and 18mbs upload but my phone does 60mbs download speed. Thats not a huge problem...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Weird UI artifacting in launchers (video)

    Ever since I installed new hardware (CPU, RAM, MB) I've been having this artifacting in Steam, GOG, FF:Online launcher, Stellaris launcher, Minecraft launcher and various Edge setup windows but not Origin and uplay. Reinstalling nvidia drivers fixed the issue in Steam only. I have no other...