Gamecom 780

Forum discussion tagged with Gamecom 780.
  1. C

    Fast Download Speed Tests but Slow DL on programs.

    I have been testings my internet speeds on a lot of different speed tests online. My ISP tell me I'm getting 300-350 mbps and 20-25 mbps. All the speed tests I have been using tell me I'm getting around around those rates but when I download games it's taking much lower rates like around...
  2. K

    Think im over spending on this laptop?

    Laptop Link I want something mobile for graphic design and gaming Thinking of the above link as it ias a lot of the features i want such as running quiet and cool(even under load), fast ssd , quad core, and not a lot of bloatware to the thing. the thing is im spending about 400 more than i...
  3. K

    Overclocking and underclocking CPU many times.

    I was wondering if I overclock my CPU which I already have it's i5 4670K 3.4 ghz overclocked to 4.4 ghz with a watercooler. If I overclock it to game and stream and then underclock it when I don't and only overclock it when I need to can that be harmful?