gaming desk

Forum discussion tagged with gaming desk.
  1. G

    [SOLVED] Final questions before I start ordering the parts

    So this is the final build I’ve come to Here. If there is anything you guys would recommend to save a little money or anything. I just want to play mordern games on a high or ultra setting. Would love to play war zone on ultra but with my budget of $1000 idk how do able that is. I’m new to...
  2. R

    Question Gaming Desk Help

    Hey all. I'm looking to purchase my first gaming desk and I would like to know if any of you guys have any suggestions. I would like it if my Pc is off the ground. And since I have two ROG PG279Q monitors I would like some suggestions on monitor brackets. Thanks
  3. P

    Xeon E3-1220 v3 Motherboard Compatibility

    I am planning a workstation build that will also be used for gaming. I have decided on the Xeon E3-1220 v3 as my CPU, and am looking for an H97 motherboard to go with it. The circumstances require that the board be mini-ITX. Currently, I have my eyes on the Asus H97i-PLUS motherboard. I have...