Gaming System

Forum discussion tagged with Gaming System.
  1. YarimBro

    Question I want a Gaming as well as trading System both at same time

    Hello Everyone, I'm looking to build a new PC that can handle both gaming and trading simultaneously. I need some advice on the best components to choose for this dual-purpose system. Here are my requirements: Gaming: High Performance: I play a lot of AAA games and need a system that can run...
  2. RatBeard

    Question Brand new pc wont do anything

    I just built a system and it literally does nothing, no sound, no lights, no nothing. The psu is confirmed working from another system and is definitely enough watts. spec list: ram: Ripjaws 16 gb 3600 Cpu: ryzen 5 2600 gpu: Gtx 1660 Mobo: asrock b450 hdv rev 4 also tested on a msi b450...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] How long my setup last?

    I know it sounds a little strange maybe my question, but I would like you to help me a little. I made a gaming PC for a few months, and as the new consoles will appear, the games will look better, I would like to ask you if my 9600k and 1070 will be enough for at least 2 -3 years at 1080p. Thanks!
  4. S

    Best psu for my setup?

    what is the best psu
  5. B

    Is there a way to recover the Office 2010 Starter when doing a Windows 7 Recovery?

    My wife's HP Desktop is 5 years old. It's having some issues, so my son decided to try the Factory Recovery option in the BIOS setup utility. He completed the process and the Office 2010 Starter Program is not there. As a second option, if he redid the recovery using the Recovery Discs that he...
  6. C

    R9 290 won't display but integrated/older GPU does.

    Hello guys, having a huge issue with my GPU. Best way to show this issue would be to check out the video I made on it (watch at 1.5 speed to save your time) This is copied and pasted from my post on /r/buildapc What is your parts list? Describe...
  7. A

    can i use my laptop dvd on my pc

    i need to download some drivers that came witth wireless express adapter,,, ive taken apart my laptop a few time and the dvd comes out by just unscrewing one screw,, also it seems to support the same connection as my harddrive. so you think i can do it btw,sorry for my grammar
  8. G

    AMD 8350 still valid?

    Hello Wondering if a AMD 8350 is still a worth while investment for a gaming plus rendering pc? Will use Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightwave, Premiere.
  9. G

    How do I remove price companion from my computer?

    This thing has been on my computer FOREVER. Everytime I do shopping online it will just pop up and try to find suggestions for me and scan the item. I am currently using Mozilla Firefox as my browser. I ran malwarebytes but nothing came up. Firefox shows no extensions on it that are harmful...
  10. tical2399

    HD 4000 for temporary gaming

    Ok guys I have to RMA my 7870 and i'm using the integrated graphics of my 3570 non k to see the screen, watch youtube etc, but I want to know if the 3570 can handle some games on a temporary basis. What I'm mainly concerned about is does using the igpu weaken/ shorten the life of the gpu? If so...