Google Play Store

Forum discussion tagged with Google Play Store.
  1. mangaman

    Question How do I download bought movies on the playstore to my computer

    I purchased a few movies awhile back on the play store, when Google was giving out coupons. I would like to download these movies and put them in my personal collection, but how do I do that? I've search online about this, but so far only mobile users can download the movies for later use. I own...
  2. A

    Gigabyte ga 78lmt usb3 bsod

    With my old PSU it did not startup at all, so I installed a 600W PSU. I can startup into win7 but a lot of bsod's. Dumps often refer to gigabyte software itself so I deïnstalled it. Also deïnstalled mcafee site advisor, but I think these programs are just victims. Bought a new memory module...