#gpt #diskpart #windows10

Forum discussion tagged with #gpt #diskpart #windows10.
  1. S

    Question Failing to convert drive from MBR to GPT

    I was trying to update my PC to Windows 11 but it required me to convert the drive that contains my OS to GPT. I am trying to convert the drive to GPT so that I can upgrade to Windows 11 without deleting my main Os partition. What am I missing here? The following are infos about the drive and...
  2. B

    Question Lost all data after using Diskpart clean command ?

    so today i tried to install windows 10 on an old laptop and youtubed how to change mbr to gpt. did the commands in the windows installation area and the whole hdd got wiped. diskpart - select disk - clean - also did a convert to GPT so i dont have any backups of my data and i really need them...