gpu no display

Forum discussion tagged with gpu no display.
  1. luky9

    Question GPU not detected until I do a CLEAR CMOS ?

    Hello everyone. I have a pretty weird issue with my brand new build : My GPU is not detected by the computer until I do a clear CMOS. It means that when I do a clear CMOS, the computer starts perfectly fine, performances are insane : its great. But as soon as I shut it down, next boot: no video...
  2. O

    Question Can a windows update soft-lock a GPU?

    Hello, I'm a bit paranoid with installing my replacement GPU. I had an Asus model RX 6700XT for about 7 months with no issue. There were hiccups every now and then when I would boot and no post but I would just swap out to my nvidia card and reset drivers and reinstall and everything worked...
  3. NyHr25

    Question PC boots up normally, only getting a signal on the first boot, and after resetting CMOS ?

    I have just swapped the motherboard and the cpu and now it boots, but I get output just the first time, no matter what, I get “No signal” untill I remove cmos, then it boots just once again. Sometimes the ez debug for vga turns on for like 5 secs (usually I get output then, only the first boot...
  4. Nahru falah

    Question Gpu sometimes work, and sometimes won't work

    I just got myself used gtx 1070 last Saturday, and at the first time i used it work completely fine, i can install the driver, do stress test for hours (no artifact, no flicker, no performance issue), but after i turn off my pc and at the next day i want to use pc again, and it wont boot up, the...

    Question GPU not detected, no fan spin, no display, not getting warm

    Pretty much the title, computer crashed all of a sudden yesterday while plugging in a fan while it was powered on( yes it was, stupid of me to do so). Gpu (rtx 2080 Super) showed temperature like -40c to -20c in msi afterburner. I removed the gpu and I noticed 2 smd came off the pcb, so i...
  6. O

    [SOLVED] RTX 2070 no signal after alot of troubleshooting.

    RTX 2070 shows no display on my monitor after following every step i can think of. I uninstalled previous radeon drivers from my AMD card. I disabled onboard graphics in windows and on BIOS. I reseated ram, graphics card, re plugged in all cables. I set initial display output in bios to the...
  7. D

    [SOLVED] GTX 1060 asus strix not working

    I have asus rog strix gtx 1060 and while i was playing my screen turned to green colour for a sec and my fans starts running at max speed the the display is gone, now when i am starting my pc 1long beep and 3 short beeps sounds, and still no display and gpu fans running at max. I tried...