gpu underloading

Forum discussion tagged with gpu underloading.
  1. serverkn

    Question GPU crashes to a black screen under load ?

    Hi everyone, I recently bought a used PowerColor RX 580 4GB, and it's been crashing under load. Here's what I've tried so far: Cleaned the GPU thoroughly. Repasted the GPU and replaced the thermal pads. Flashed the BIOS. Installed the latest drivers. Tested with Furmark, and the temps stay...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Gpu underloading.............Getting pink and greenish glitches on screen.

    Recently my GPU has been glitching out alot.....Like everytime I open a game after few mins it glitches and my monitor goes blank then the pc restarts itself..........I have also got the blue screen of death of windows.This has been happening to me for almost 2 months now and I think 1 month ago...