gt 330

Forum discussion tagged with gt 330.
  1. RealSmoke

    [SOLVED] Which is better a GT 710 msi or GT 330 msi?

    Hi, i currently have a GT 330 msi in my pc and it's not very good, but i do have a GT 710 msi low profile somewhere in one of my unused pc's and i'm wondering which one is better. - The specs of The GT 330...
  2. RealSmoke

    [SOLVED] Can my low spec pc run fifa 19?

    So can my low spec pc run fifa 19? Note! only run, so i mean play career mode no actual gameplay. Pc is = 4gb ddr3 ram , intel core i3-530 2.93 ghz , Gt 330 768MB GDDR3. Windows 7 64bit Yeah i know it's below the minimum requirements but could it atleast handle career mode on settings...
  3. RealSmoke

    Question Decent Pc Somehow has small freezes on Far Cry 1 .

    So i've been playing the first Far cry game since i was like 4, always on a weak pc, but now i got a pretty decent pc especially for the price! But the game has a half second or even 1 to 2 second freeze mostly when: Zooming with binoculars 2 times , Shooting and hitting a enemy or getting shot...