gtx 590

Forum discussion tagged with gtx 590.
  1. tuckertheguy12

    Question Dead GTX 590

    I recently came into possession of a non-working GTX 590, you know the deal no video but fan spins. Visually the card is great however it's pretty clear it's been taken apart before due to how easy the screws came out, a few heads were almost stripped, and it looks as if the BIOS sticker has...
  2. H

    How to use AMD GVR?

    Hi there, when I try to run AMD gaming evolved instead of it having the simple record button now there is a Is there a way to go back to using the good ole GVR? Thanks!
  3. Mr_Bombasticc

    Graphicscard and Motherboard

    Hi, I'm building own PC for the first time and I was wondering if my videocard and motherboard were compatible. I know I can make a part list on but I want to make sure my motherboard and graphics card are compatible. So I've chosen these parts : Motherboard : Gigabyte...
  4. D

    Dell Studio XPS 435 MT Memory Configuration

    Can I install 2 2GB, and 4 1GB memory modules in a Dell Studio XPS 435MT desktop, or do I have to install 3 2GB and 3 1GB modules?