gtx 950m

Forum discussion tagged with gtx 950m.
  1. A

    Question Gtx 950m related stuff VN7 571G

    So yesterday I was replacing my thermal paste with conductonaut. The temps dropped from 103C ro 73C under load which was amazing. The laptop is Acer Aspire VN7 571G. Alright so I already know the risks of conductonaut and tbh it worked. I made sure nothing spilled onto the board and everything...
  2. R

    My 3200MHz ram wont let my i7-6700K boot?

    I have an i7-6700K on a Z270 mobo and 3200MHz g.skill tridentZ RAM. When I try to start my build it runs and the lights and fans all start but the CPU and DRAM trouble lights alternate. Is there something I have to do to make my DRAM and CPU cooperate prior to installing the RAM? Please and...
  3. G

    Getting lower fps than other people with the same card?

    I am running gtx 1060 X 6Gb by msi with an i7 4820k OC'ed to 4,2ghz People with i5 6400 and gtx 1060 are getting 20-30 fps more than me what did I do wrong ?