half life: alyx

Forum discussion tagged with half life: alyx.
  1. T

    [SOLVED] Strange stuttering every 15-20 minutes in all games ?

    Hello! For two weeks or so I've been having this strange new stutter appear. I have tried a few things, cleaning, reseating the graphics card and power cables, reinstalling drivers multiple times and I've made sure that all drivers for the computer is fully up to date, so I am at a loss where...
  2. I

    Question RTX 3070FE ~30% usage while i7-7700K is at ~50% ?

    I've been struggling to figure out why my RTX 3070 card has been performing terribly in VR. Pavlov VR runs at 50-70FPS on high settings and Half Life: Alyx barely runs at 30-40 FPS on low. I've tried every fix I could other than downgrading drivers, overclocking or a full re-install of Windows...