hard drive currupted

Forum discussion tagged with hard drive currupted.
  1. S

    Question Drive permissions issue causing lost files and access issues

    On Win11 after doing a windows update (1 security update installed) I restarted my computer to find my main external storage drive was not accessible and the icon was a white sheet of paper instead of the drive icon. I could not eject it at first - it said it was in use by something. After...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Corrupt drive, Partition not active in Windows 10 How to fix ? : (

    Corrupt drive, Partition not active in Windows 10. I've been having problem with my hdd. One of the partition hdisappear sometimes and is not active it doesn't show the size or anything, i'm not able to access the drive also. I've installed Windows 10 on the SSD (128gb). I tried formatting the...
  3. P

    [SOLVED] Seagate 2TB HDD not working

    hi i have this hdd https://www.amazon.co.uk/Seagate-Expansion-Portable-PlayStation-STEA2000400/dp/B00TKFEE5S its shows on my pc but as soon as i click on the main folder or try opening the files the computer just freezes, ive tried reformatting and partitioning nothing works please help, ive...