Hard Drive Swap

Forum discussion tagged with Hard Drive Swap.
  1. Hardly_Qualified723

    [SOLVED] Cable for drive swap type?

    I have been hunting for replacements for this cable (I want black, red, or black/red cabling) to lose the hotdog colors in the back of my fully tempered glass case. I assume by now they are IDE/FDD or Molex of some sort but I wouldn't trust my gut on the needed voltage and such as the wire or...
  2. T

    Would this build work?

    I have this build : http://pcpartpicker.com/p/9qd6FT I have all the parts listed but im scared to install my 290x cause i think it'd be too much for my PSU
  3. S

    Battery not charging Dell Inspiron N 5110

    My Dell Inspiron N5110 is not charging and also not taking power from the battery. Can use from direct power. The battery indicates four times red and one time green. Please help me... Thanks