So my pc froze for a couple of seconds while a youtube video still running perfectly as the sound output indicated, a second later black screen, then the sound output started glitching, and finally the pc completely blacks-out but still running (all fans included) with the motherboard CPU light...
I've been trying to troubleshoot this PC for a couple weeks at this point. It's a Frankenstein build with extra parts I had lying around so my partner could play PC games with me, so I'm not 100% on the specs.
So, she's been able to use this PC for about 5-6 months with no problems. After this...
Hello, my PC keeps restarting to a black screen with no response from the keyboard and mouse, although all the fans are spinning. Sometimes, it only restarts 1-3 times. Yesterday, it restarted 14 times. Sometimes, when I manually restart, the PC will restart to a black screen.
Here is the list...
In the past month or so, my computer's been having problems playing certain games but not others. I can't determine why though. I'm an avid League of Legends player among many others and a good portion of my games have massive frame drops almost constantly and some run 100% fine. It doesn't seem...
Hi Everyone!
I am having some kind of problem with my PC. I don't know if if the problem lies in my GPU, MB or PSU. So the story is: my PC and every component is plugged into a 4-slot outlet (surge protected) which goes into 1 plug on the wall. Unfortunately I don't have more plugs in our...