
Forum discussion tagged with hardwares.
  1. DefSteam08

    [SOLVED] [Fixed, fix below] Pc Crashing Randomly after new motherboard.

    a System Info log, a few error logs from Event Viewer and Empyrion's error.log can be found below at the bottom :) So a while back we started have load shedding again. (South Africa's attempt to save power by turning cities on and off, day after day) Then one day my computer started restarting...
  2. P

    Would a Sprint Note 7 be hardware compatible with other carriers after a 2 yr contract?

    I am thinking of getting a Sprint Note 7 with a 2 year contract. I know Sprint is CDMA, but I see stuff where it says after they went LTE new phones should be more hardware compatible with other carriers. If I got a Note 7 with Sprint, would they let me unlock it? And if they let me unlock it...