HDD enclosure

Forum discussion tagged with HDD enclosure.
  1. A

    Question HDD in Enclosure is not detected by Windows 11 ?

    I recently recovered data from an old HDD and had it transferred to a new one. The old HDD was an internal one - a remnant from an older PC build - and I used a HDD enclosure to connect it to my PC. I have tried to use the new HDD (also an internal one) in the same manner, but it is not working...
  2. K

    [SOLVED] Does protection case for Hard Drive Enclosure exists?

    I want to buy Hard Drive Enclosure UGREEN US222 https://www.ugreen.com/products/3-5-usb-3-0-hard-drive-enclosure Does protection case for such Hard Drive Enclosure exists?
  3. A

    I need some help with picking a gpu

    I got a msi gtx 970 from superbiiz and the first one was highly defective and this one is faulty. I RMA'd the first time and then I got a faulty card, sent it back for a refund and they confirmed that there is a problem atm. I am now in the market for a graphics card, the budget is $350. I am...
  4. Jonathan Sifleet

    Really slow Hybrid Drive

    I purchased a Seagate ST1000DX001. This is the 1TB Dekstop hybrid drive. My previous HDD was a caviar green 5400 RPM 1TB model. However when I first started using the hybrid drive my boot times were around 40 seconds rather than 70, a little disappointing. However now it has gotten to the point...