hdmi no signal

Forum discussion tagged with hdmi no signal.
  1. NightFall_RS

    Question HDMI no signal, help plz.

    IDK if this is the right section to put this question but... I built my first PC yesterday (I'll put the specs at the bottom of this post) and everything started off fine. I turned my PC on and all the fans and RGB worked, but the monitor said HDMI no signal. I plugged it into a laptop, and it...
  2. Z

    Question Help figuring out if GPU is dead?

    A day ago my monitor stopped receiving signal from the PC with the "HDMI No signal" message appearing. I went through all the different troubleshooting methods I could find and still can't get a signal out of it. The graphics card lights up and runs like it would normally, in both PCI-E slots...
  3. Dasred

    Question when using my computer, my sound cuts out along with my screen cutting black and displaying hdmi no signal

    Hi, when playing games and sometimes when returning to my computer after a while, I notice the screen being black and have no other option but manually restart my computer. When this occurs first the sound cuts out making a buzz static like noise through the speakers for about 3-4 seconds...