headphones 7.1

Forum discussion tagged with headphones 7.1.
  1. Milksome

    Question Recommendations for a new headset ?

    Hello! Been looking at some headsets lately, I'm on a budget and really anything is better than my 15euro 3yr old headphones... Which headset is the best out of these? 1. HyperX Cloud Stinger 2 Core 2. Redragon Zeus X 3. Redragon Zeus 2 These are the ones I saw during my search on olx.ba...
  2. Iver Hicarte

    [SOLVED] What are some headsets that are very comfortable to wear and have exceptional sound quality?

    Currently looking for a headphone that is very comfortable to wear regardless of how long you put it on your ears and have exceptional sound quality (audiophile here). I prefer wired ones. Please don't recommend "gaming headsets", headsets that are called "gaming headsets" tend to be the worse...
  3. M

    Question Headphones and speakers are showing as same device?

    Hello all, Recently I have realized that my headphones and my laptop speakers are showing under the same name which is "Speakers". I can identify which is which as there are specifications in brackets, however, when my headphones are plugged in and I switch from "Speakers (7.1 Surround Sound)"...