High Core Temps

Forum discussion tagged with High Core Temps.
  1. StupidComputers

    Question Seeking 13700K CPU schematic that shows the numbered core location

    Where can I get a 13700K cpu schematic that shows core locations by core number? I have a problem with cores #5 and #7, they run much hotter than the others often spiking to 96C while everything else is much cooler. Hopefully that's a result of a bad TIM application or cooler tightening...
  2. R

    Question I5 9300H after repaste has 10-15 degree core difference

    As said my processor has 4c/8t . Before repasting every core hit 95-100c during stress tests with 60W Pl . After repaste I pretty much got my core 2 and core 3 down to high 70s to mid 80s but core 0 and core 1 remains at 90-94 c .Under combined load of gpu and cpu per say while gaming ..Core 2...