high end pc lagging

Forum discussion tagged with high end pc lagging.
  1. S

    Question My whole pc keeps lagging when i try to do normal cpu intensive work

    So i have build this pc 1 year ago. All the parts are new. I play cod mw a lot everyday for hours. Few days ago my pc started to lag very hard. First thing i noticed was my audio would shutter and my games fps would drop from 120 to 80. So i reinstalling my audio driver but it didn't fix it. So...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] PC Underperforming when it shouldn't

    My PC is lagging on games where it shouldn't. I lag on games like Overwatch, Rocket League, and Apex Legends. Even running these games on the lowest settings, it is not smooth. When I first built my system, I could run all these games on max settings with smooth frames, except Rocket League...