how to disable hpet

Forum discussion tagged with how to disable hpet.
  1. iguanachu

    [SOLVED] Is it safe to disable Dynamic Tick and HPET?

    Hi! I have a Dell 7567 with an I7-7700hq and a Gtx 1050ti, works fine but I've been experiencing some micro-stutters since a time ago ONLY in Win10, not Linux. So after trying different things decided to reinstall and now it works quite better, on normal tasks I have no more micro-stutter but...
  2. ManFTiK

    Question What is the correct (most efficient) way to Disable High Precision Event Timer (aka HPET) completely ?

    I saw a lot of post about HPET and I wonder if I can disable it to improve my gaming experiences further more, but I get stuck at how to disable it, there's a method that use CMD and another using Device Manager, but the simplest method I found is in the BIOS, I don't know if disable in the BIOS...