HP Motherboard

Forum discussion tagged with HP Motherboard.
  1. N

    Question Vintage HP computer not always booting up.

    I recently reassembled the parts from an old HP computer with the intention of using it for windows 98 retro gaming. MB - ASUS K7M (HP OEM) CPU - AMD - Athlon 1000 (AMD-K7100MNR53B A) GPU - ASUS AGP-V3800 Nvidia TNT2 32Mb PSU - (New) Corsair CX450M (did not want to risk using the old one) also...
  2. Arturovski

    Question Where can I find a new motherboard for this laptop ?

    Hi, I'm trying to fix an HP Pavilion dv6-1350em laptop with an Intel Pentium CPU and a dedicated ATI Radeon GPU. For that I need a new motherboard, but I can't seem to find any online, not even the part number. Only when I asked ChatGPT it gave me a part number for it, 570509-001, which is...
  3. abhiNahi

    [SOLVED] Hp Pavilion Gaming Desktop

    Hi, I am looking to upgrade my PC's ram to 32gb but I have a doubt. The RAM installed on my PC has 16gb of memory and runs at 3200 mhz. So, if I buy another 16gb stick with supported frequency upto 3200 mhz, will it run at 3200 mhz out of the box or will it run at lower speeds? PC name: Hp...
  4. J

    Last Verification Before New Build Purchase

    Hello! I've come to a settling point with my next build, which is meant to be an expensive, overkill build both to treat myself, and to commemorate seeing a friend I haven't seen for ages, which I will be building it with. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/ChBVD8 (Case and storage are being reused...