i7-4790k temperature

Forum discussion tagged with i7-4790k temperature.
  1. artyily

    Question i7-4790K is running too hot ?

    Hey there, I want to overclock my 4790K but with no overclock it runs around 80C under 100% load. The cooler is a: Hyper TX3 EVO Could it be a bad installation that is causing the high temps or I just need a better cooler?
  2. J

    32gb of slower RAM or 8gb of faster RAM?

    http://puu.sh/kkumS/2e90dfeb3f.jpg (image of both sticks) Hello there, I'm not too good with with this sort of stuff, that's why I'm here I guess. 32gb "DDR3 1333 DIMM CL9" vs 8gb "DDR3 1600 UDIMM" Would it be better to have more slower RAM or less faster RAM? I appreciate your answers.