
Forum discussion tagged with idontknowhowthesetagswork.
  1. TerraUnima

    Question I never posted on here and dont know what my issue would be under but here i go.

    I have a weird issue, i would be playing a game, or have many windows open with things moving around it, and then something glitches out, my audio glitches a little, and my screen goes black, and it closes whatever window i have open. it's nothing with the monitor, at one point i had a DVI cable...
  2. I

    Problem with tracing route

    Hey guys, I'm on a wireless connection, I am connected to the router but it seems I do not have a working internet connection, so I tried to traceroute by using the command "tracert". It did the ping on my router and the pingtimes are allright (around 1 ms) but all the other lines...