intel 14900

Forum discussion tagged with intel 14900.
  1. LuckyBrandon069

    Question Intel i9 14th gen cpu temps under a Dark Rock Pro 5 Fan

    Hey!!! I recently built my first gaming PC and after playing cyberpunk for an hour I went to check my CPU temps. It was at 82 degrees Celsius, and I noticed that on idle at the home screen with only discord on my CPU temps have been anywhere between 55 to 60 degrees. Does this call for any...
  2. V

    [SOLVED] Games crashing to desktop without any error messages ?

    Hey guys, first post here! My friend assembled new parts (CPU, RAM, MOBO, PSU) to my PC in late November. After few weeks of gaming I started to encounter weird crashes to desktop. No bluescreens etc. Desktop is running smoothly, and all the problems are occuring while ingame. Doesn't matter...