intel core i5 3570k

Forum discussion tagged with intel core i5 3570k.
  1. Cian Ryan

    Question New CPU not booting PC and getting 3 beeps.

    Hey! I just recently bought an 'intel core i5 3570' to upgrade from my 'intel i3 2130' and as you have seen from the title. I am getting 3 continous beeps and no start up? I initially thought it was my Ram, yet when reverting the I5 to I3 it ran perfectly? I then began to belive my Ram and...
  2. N

    ASRock 970 Extreme4. Do I need a GPU?

    This is my first build and I have a ASRock 970 Extreme4 with an AMD FX-6300, I have just put the system together and have not yet purchased a GPU, my plan was to use the system casually until I have the money to buy a GPU. I noticed that there isn't a HDMI socket on the motherboard so can I use...
  3. Z

    what else do i need other than a compatible mobo and a good psu

    im gonna upgrade from a geforce gta 560 to a 660, maybe higher, i want to know what else i need to be able to use it other than a compatible mobo, and a good psu, also is it compatible with my mobo? the asustek m5a97 (AM3r2)