Forum discussion tagged with IR.
  1. H

    Question Trying to transfer images via infrared dongle, help please

    I have an old Casio 2220 camera watch but I lost the IR transfer dongle. I did buy a generic one on Ebay but doesn't work with the camera software, the pc does not recognize the watch. I'm running a pc with XP. I'm showing the original dongle(PAD 2) that was lost and the new one from Ebay. Help...
  2. Rayhan Jerome

    Question Can i Remote Control my PC using a IR Receiver Plugged into my Motherboard Power Switch?

    Hey, I recently bought a Universal IR remote that can control anything that uses an IR receiver nad I had this idea about turning on my pc using IR receiver plugged into my Motherboard Power Switch. The questions are... will it work? does what do i need to do that kinda thing? and also do you...
  3. stormman34

    Question Why MHz and not GBps or Gbps?

    I was just wondering, why are we using MHz when we rate the speed of RAM and not something like GBps or Gbps? Is it even the same thing? And if so what speed in GBps would 1000MHz be?
  4. W

    Linksys E2500 Webui troubles

    Hey everyone! I asked a question yesterday about optimizing my network setup to account for periodic tripling in traffic and the subsequent slow downs and disconnection issues - and received some good advice I am working on implementing. Today I am asking for help regarding another issue I've...