
Forum discussion tagged with Lagg.
  1. ArgusMold

    Question Major lagg in windows only (win11) post forced OS repair.

    I recently (september 202 through january 2023) built a new rig because my skylake build was starting to have issues and I also wanted to bump up to a high refresh rate 1440p environment from my old 60hz 1080p mode. My system worked superbly (I enabled the AMD smart memory stuff asap) from the...
  2. G

    Question Higher End PC struggles with Multitasking and can't play a number of games

    Hey all! I recently made a few upgrades to my old PC due to some RAM issues, and now despite the amount of money I've put into it, is running worse than it did before. My computer struggles with basic multitasking, often having to close my browser while gaming as it ends up lagging out the game...
  3. Khufaaf

    Question Minecraft lagging with good PC

    I have a pretty decent pc CPU: AMD Ryzen 1400 GPU: RX 570 4 GB Ram: 8x2 GB Hyper x DDR4 2666 Mother board: ASRock B450M Pro4 SSD: 128 Samung NVME m.2 SSD Hard: Samsung 500 GB Hard Drive My Pc can play other games like valorant and fortnite at 90 fps at max setting 720p (due to my monitor maxing...
  4. F

    Question Stream lagging

    I have a laptop and a pc and a pretty good internet connection. Everytime when I watch twitch or any other streaming site I have no problem loading and watching but when I try on my pc its starts lagging the moment I start watching. They are both connected by a ethernet cable.
  5. W

    Question FPS Drops / Stutters for no reason

    Hello, I've lately got FPS Drops / Stutters randomly for no reason. It first runned fine I don't honestly know what happened. And with stutters i got problems like this When i play FIFA 20, Fortnite, Modern Warfare 60 fps looks like 30 and 120 fps looks like 60. My specs are: Operating System...
  6. A

    [SOLVED] Why my keyboard keeps "repeating" when i move in games?!

    Hello guys. I have a little problem with my keyboard. (Genesis Rhod 600) Yesterday i saw, my keyboard keeps repeating the pushed down key. Ex: If i want to move forward in GTAV goes laggy, like if is push the "W" x times. But if i press "W" than a second button (space, backspace, enter...)...
  7. N


    I know this sounds crazy but i really need help. My monitor is 60-75hz when i play on 60hz its all good and normal but not smooth gameplay. But when i switch to 75hz i start lagging really badly like im talking 3k PING badly. And as soon as i go back to 60hz it goes back to normal please help!
  8. X

    [SOLVED] Horrible fps on Rust with High-end PC

    Hello, Dunno if I'm the only one who is having these issues but when I'm on rust for about 20 minutes my fps drops down horrible, from about 60-70 to like 30-45. My pc build is: 16gb ram vengeance DDR4 Ryzen 5 2600x (Stock cooler) gtx 1080 STRIX B450 gaming pro carbon motherboard 750 watt...
  9. F


    can someone please help me i have a6 7310 with r4 gpu 1gb vram 8 gb ram now iknow it isnt a gaming one its low end but i want to run pubg lite on it on lowest the game runs fine before entering plane above 30 fps and above 60 in plane but when i land in populated areas the game laggs like hell...
  10. E

    Need help upgrading some parts

    Hello, I got a new computer a while ago, and I noticed that the power supply was some cheap 800 watt noname PSU. I would like to get a newer and higher quality one. I appreciate any recommendations. I have a gtx 1080 and an i7 6700k. Also, I would like some more and better fans. I would...
  11. X

    Windows 10 Activation Help

    I bought some new items to upgrade my computer : MSI Z97 PCMate Mobo Corsair H60 CPU Cooler Corsair Carbide Spec-2 Case Sandisk SSD 240 GB I kept all of the same stuff like my old graphics card ( GTX 970 ) and my CPU and ram and old 2 TB HDD which also loads my 150 GB OS. About an hour into my...
  12. B

    Windows 10 update failure

    So this morning I began to download windows 10. Everything went smoothly, installed up until the configure settings portion. At about 2%, it blue screens with a big " : ( " saying system_thread_exception_not_handled (ntsf.sys). I've looked online and the only things I've seen is that it could be...
  13. L

    how do you change your keyboard shortcuts packard bell

    i have a Packard bell and when i press caps lock to youse caps it comes up with a notice saying "Expand the pc information you see" please can someone help me disable this please !!!!!
  14. G

    Obrona VPN Deals

    I formated my hard drive two weeks ago as i was infested with (Obrona VPN Deals), well its back dose anyone know how to get rid of it as all the sites from a google search seem to be sending me to places to buy software.
  15. W

    SoundBlaster Z Multiple Audio Devices

    Hi Guys/Gals Okay so yesterday I got a Creative soundblaster Z soundcard, I was wondering if anyone knew if I could have both my headphones and speakers connected and easily switch between them using the software etc... Any help is appreciated :)
  16. C

    Do i need a second hdd for recording?

    i am planning to record bf4 with my new build i was thinking if i needed 2 hdd for recording on the second one? thanks