led debug

Forum discussion tagged with led debug.
  1. noobaf

    Question Sapphire RX580 8gb not detected

    So this morning, after I restart my pc the vga debug lights up and followed by gpu led (gpu indicator), gpu fans in high speed, producing high pitch sound, no output in monitor. I tried resseting cmos, use one stick ram, switch pci slot, not solving problem. Never had any problem before. But...
  2. B

    [SOLVED] My Asus B350M-A has a blinking amber LED under the GPU and I'm not sure what that means

    My motherboard (Asus B350M-A) has an amber slow flashing light located here (Can't pinpoint exactly the place without opening the whole thing). I believe it's a light indicating something related to the GPU (RX580) but I'm not sure what exactly is the LED indicating. I've tried to look it on...