
Forum discussion tagged with LiveKernelEvent141.
  1. C

    [SOLVED] PSU or GPU Failure?

    Hi, So I've been having LiveKernelEvent 141 black screen crashes during gaming during these past few months or so. I would be gaming and within 10-20 minutes in, suddenly my monitors go black, and I can hear something disconnecting, which I suspect is probably the GPU. I've had this custom...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] LiveKernelEvent 141... for the past year

    Specs from Speccy v1.32.740 ======================================================================= Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2920x RAM: 16.0GB Single-Channel DDR4 Motherboard: ASRock X399M Taichi Graphics: 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 MSI /// 4095MB...
  3. W

    Question NVIDIA GTX 2080 - Black Screen and Fan Overdrive

    Windows 10 64bit I7-8700k @ 3.7 32 gb ram NVIDIA GTX 2080 8gb Hey everyone. I'm having an issue that is happening intermittently over the last few days. I run a dual monitor set up. I was watching some youtube videos on monitor 2 and my computer all of a sudden blackscreens and the fans on my...