
Forum discussion tagged with loadbalance.
  1. H

    [SOLVED] Load balancing with 2 x ADSL internet ?

    Hey there, I ordered dualwan load balancing router. Would like to get answer about load balancing. I have an adsl internet and my neighbour also have adsl internet. We want to load balancing both networks. My question is, will it possible to use one lan from adsl and second from wifi repeater...
  2. B

    Need Advice on a New Build

    Hi all, https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dvQYTB I'm planning to do a new build(see the link) and I want your opinions on the parts list, especially on the RAM and the PSU. T-Force is an relatively unknown name for me and I have the option of buying the Nighthawk ones or GSkill Trident Z RGB. I...