locked hard drive

Forum discussion tagged with locked hard drive.
  1. A

    Question How to unlock a drive which is locked by bitlocker automatically due to a glitch in TPM. I do not have password (or) recovery key as I never locked.

    Hi, I am a personal laptop user. Recently I have reset my laptop, reset was successful to reset windows in C Drive. However, my D & E drives got locked by bitlocker automatically. I have spoken with Microsoft about this problem and they suggested that this error was caused due to a glitch in...
  2. F

    Using usb for win 10

    i want to install windows 10 64 bit, since my OS is a 32 bit i need to clean install everything. Now i don't want to buy a new hdd to backup my file and realize that my usb has enough space needed as installment. can i install windows 10 and put in my usb then when all is done i just move the...