low disc space

Forum discussion tagged with low disc space.
  1. R

    Question Game instaling space

    Hello, I'm trying to install a game witch is 36GB. On disk i have 54GB but when i try to install game it says that there no free space and I need to free 14GB more. Sorry for broken English and thanks for replies.
  2. tsarofyou

    Question Why is my disc storage constantly going down?!

    Hi! I need some help because my disc space keeps going down! I need help i am trying to delete files but it will keep going down, so yea! I am desparate right now i need a quick reply! Thanks - Tsarofyou
  3. W

    Extended display with key to switch between them

    I use 2 monitors but i only use one of them occasionally and i was wondering if there is some software that can limit my mouse and keyboard to one screen by pushing a button or be able to switch screens by pushing a key.