
Forum discussion tagged with lowfpsfix.
  1. D

    Question Low FPS in Dota 2 and CS:GO even with quality settings on low ?

    Hi I want to ask and i need your help I got Acer Nitro 5 An515-45 R0ZA With spec CPU : AMD RYZEN 5 5600H GPU : GTX 1650acc RAM : 8GB 3200mhz SSD : 512GB with a plenty left storage in it LCD : 144hz Im playing while im charging and im using a notebook fan So the issue is I get only 70 FPS in...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] Help me fix fps please.

    My pc build is RTX 2070 and i7 9700k and my fps is horrible, for example in Valorant I get like 100-160 fps in game and my video settings is all low. Here is my user bencmark results. https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/44798415