mag tomahawk b550

Forum discussion tagged with mag tomahawk b550.
  1. 6

    Question Random BSOD and Event 41 Kernel-Power - - - NVMe SSD -> off ?

    Hi all, I've been getting random BSOD (for less than a second) then the automatic reboot sends it to BIOS (UEFI), without ever succeeding at a restart. I noticed the booting SSD (NVMe) wasn't blinking, so it's off. (also it doesn't appear on BIOS screen) After that, the only way to get the PC...
  2. tymcpherson82

    Question CPU light is red at startup but system eventually POSTs, but BIOS shows no temps or fan speeds ?

    I have a Ryzen 5700X with a B550 Tomahawk mobo that I built about 2 months ago. I recently installed an AIO and since then my CPU light is on red. The pc will eventually boot however, it takes a few minutes but seems to run fine. except for the cpu fan is going full speed. I was able to get...
  3. AverageCheapskate79

    Question Probably not power supply but what else could it be?

    So I'm working on my custom build it's a tomahawk b550 motherboard, with a 4500 CPU and a 5700 XT GPU and the tower is what is causing the problem it's in Roseville D100 atx case, I bought it for my son for the RGB capabilities but he was too young to enjoy it so I confiscated it and made him a...