masterbox 5

Forum discussion tagged with masterbox 5.
  1. P

    Question Help picking cooling option for i7-9700k

    Hi, I'm planning to upgrade my PC. I'm thinking about getting an i7-9700k and planning to OC it. Right now I'm thinking about cooling solutions to it. Currently I'm using a CoolerMaster Masterbox Pro 5 RGB case with (unfortunately) plastic front panel. For my CPU cooler I was rather thinking...
  2. J

    Question Which case should I chose?

    Which case should I use? The H500i or the CoolerMater MasterBox PRO 5 RGB The H500i is much prettier, but it only has 2 120mm built in fans, but the Masterbox has 4 120mm RGB built in fans
  3. K

    Is it possible to have 2K resolution with GA-H77-DS3H motherboard and Intel HD 2500?

    Hello to everyone, I have Intel i5 3470 processor with Intel HD 2500 integrated graphics.Today I bough Asus VX24AH monitor with 2k resolution, but I have just figured that I can't achieve 2K resolution with following configuration. Problem is Asus GA-H77-DS3H motherboard...