Memory Test

Forum discussion tagged with Memory Test.
  1. AdmiralTal

    Question Files get corrupted while being copied, I'm getting random BSODs, yet RAM tests show no errors ?

    Hello. Desperately need some fresh ideas here. Here's the story. I'm having somewhat old desktop PC. i7-3770 with four DDR3 Kingston ValueRAM (I think) modules, 8Gb each. 32Gb RAM total (naturally). About a month ago I've started noticing random BSODs. Especially after, like, a couple of days...
  2. G

    Question Frequent BSOD's. & C Drive disk check after every restart. Suspect bad RAM.

    I have 32GB of RAM on 2x 16GB sticks. About 2 weeks ago I started getting frequent BSOD's but almost a different error code every time. I also get these disk error checks for the C drive after every restart whether its from a BSOD or not. It never says it finds errors. The most frequent error...
  3. M

    Question Mem test problem

    Hi, I'm confused, 1st I run Ryzen DRAM Calculator 1.7.3 and I got an error ~66% of the test so run another one mem test OCCT 7.2.2 after 1h they show 0 errors. What should I do now, keep this? Team T-Force XTREEM
  4. Sherjeel

    Question Randomly screen starts to flicker and system get stuck

    I'm really annoyed with this problem. My laptop screen suddenly start flicker and after a restart every time . I get a different error each time 1: system thread exception not handled 2: driver irql_not_less_or_equal 3: page fault in nonpaged area After one or two reboots it works for 10mints...
  5. bratuha

    Virtual machine with Physical Graphics card

    Hello forum , i have a problem . I need to run VM win7 with ability to use physical grafix card I have 2 card gtx 780 sc and gtx 260 . I understand that in VM all hardware is Virtual and with one GPU would not be possible to use it in VM since host already using it . But , i have 2 cards ...