montech air 903 max

Forum discussion tagged with montech air 903 max.
  1. R

    Question screw rubber gaskets broke

    I bought a Montech Air 903 case a few days ago, and when I removed the tempered glass side panel, one of the screw rubber gaskets broke. This probably happened because I mistakenly removed the screws completely instead of just unscrewing them. Is this rubber gasket very important and does it...
  2. rumpot

    Question Two AIOs for Montech AIR 903 MAX

    I recently got a spanking new PC with a 7900 XT and 7800X3D and eventually, down the line, I would like to water-cool them. I would want at the bare minimum a 240mm radiator for both, and ideally a 240 for the CPU and 360mm for the GPU. I don't know where I would mount the second one, however...