motherboard asus z790

Forum discussion tagged with motherboard asus z790.
  1. M

    Question Ethernet keeps dropping to slow speeds ?

    Hopefully this is the right category. I'm to the point of troubleshooting where I stop reading the threads and start writing them. So you know I'm desperate. When I turn on my PC the internet runs at about 980 down and 965 up with 1 ping as per Ookla. Within about 5 ish minutes it drops to 450...
  2. V

    [SOLVED] Games crashing to desktop without any error messages ?

    Hey guys, first post here! My friend assembled new parts (CPU, RAM, MOBO, PSU) to my PC in late November. After few weeks of gaming I started to encounter weird crashes to desktop. No bluescreens etc. Desktop is running smoothly, and all the problems are occuring while ingame. Doesn't matter...
  3. G

    Question Small Click Sounds when launching apps (Paranoia Question)

    hi, So, I just assembled a new PC, it runs extremely well but i observed some small "clicks" when you launch an app under Windows10 - perhaps i am just paranoid and i wanted to know if this is kinda "normal" or it's because it's drawing power, etc. It seems to happen when there's a "load"...