motherboard not turning on

Forum discussion tagged with motherboard not turning on.
  1. takoyouki

    Question Motherboard won't power on when CPU is installed in the socket

    I left my PC without a PSU for 3 weeks while I was waiting for an RMA. When my new PSU arrived, it receives power for 0.5 seconds then powers off. I decided to reseat all of my components then accidentally bent my CPU socket (rookie mistake). I then tried to run it without the CPU, but it...
  2. I

    Question PC died suddenly

    Hello, My PC died suddenly. I played Skyrim last night and when I turned it on today, it showed no sign of life. I took it out and tested the PSU. I guess the PSU is ok because I tested it on another PC(My old one. Its got lower specs but works with this psu). Another weird thing I noticed was...