mouse wheel

Forum discussion tagged with mouse wheel.
  1. SlayerXㅤ

    Question Mouse scroll wheel is also clicking

    Whenever I try to use the scroll wheel for my mouse, it also automatically left clicks. I have tested it on X-mouse and have tried disabling scroll wheel but it still clicks. I have a Redragon M607, any fix?
  2. TheManyzzz

    Question I spilled a tiny milk drop on my mouse wheel by accident and now it won't work

    So the other day I accidently spilled a bit of milk on my mouse (don't ask me how I'm just dumb by nature) and everything works fine except the mouse wheel that scrolls up and down normally on the mouse itself but doesn't work at all on my pc! If you had a similar problem or know how to solve it...
  3. SwissxPiplup

    Question Mousewheel Scrolling Faster than Normal at Random

    Hi there, I've been experiencing an issue recently where my scrolling will skip more lines than I've set in the mouse options, currently it's set to scroll 3 lines each notch of the wheel, but sometimes and at random it will start to scroll more lines each notch. Any ideas? My mouse is the...
  4. S

    Stuck on which to choose go with GTX 880m 8GB or 970m 3gb

    To sum this up quick im stuck between two gaming laptops specs on #1 I7 4700mq 8gb of ram 1tb 7200rpm drive 880m 8gb 15.6" screen No OS Price $948.00 laptop #2 I7 5700HQ 8gb of ram 1tb hdd 970m 3gb 15.6" screen Windows 8.1 $1299.00 Both laptops are new my question is will i ever use the...