Hello, this is something I’ve been researching but cannot find any answers for my specific hardware. It seems multiple people have their own version of this issue
I recently purchased a Samsung Pro 970 SSD, and it fits like a charm into the M2, I’m just not sure what exactly is happening when I...
My pc always reboots whenever I play a game, sometimes I can play for several hours, sometimes for 1 minute. My temps are pretty good, 25-30 idle and max 60 under load. What could it be?
I was gaming on my PC last night when out of nowhere it just shut down completely, the light on the motherboard never shut off so I know it didn't lose power, but when I went to turn it back on... nothing. I pressed the power button and nothing happened at all. I then opened the case and tried...
I noticed my nzxt miles only had three pins too. I'm trying to connect my molex to power the hub into the psu but they don't connect and I don't wanna break anything please help
Recently I build a custom new PC with an Intel core i5 4460 processor . The assembly task was done by somebody else(He is an expert in doing this type of tasks also he works in a shop relating PC assembly task).So, he fitted everything into motherboard carefully including the processor , rams...
is this possible to pull off? I purchased Corsair Vengeance 8gb 8 CAS when I first built my computer two years ago, and I saw newegg has Corsair Vengeance 8gb 9 CAS on sale. Is it possible to mix these two without major problems?