msi r9 270

Forum discussion tagged with msi r9 270.
  1. Stefano Calici

    Question Problem- cooler MSI R9 270 HELP

    Hello people. I am new here so greetings to all. The problem I have are graphics fans. Namely, while I played csgo I noticed a huge fps drop. Restarted the computer and he worked normally up to 10 minutes until it started again to descend to 60-80 frames (otherwise it worked on the 160) so I...
  2. T

    kingston vs corsair vs gskill.

    Which brand makes best ram in terms of over all quality-durability-realiabilty. KINGSTON VS CORSAIR VS GSKILL. I AM LOOKING FOR 16GB DDR4, BUT WHICH ONE AND ONLY BRAND TO CHOOSE FROM THESE THREE
  3. SubZeroFlsh

    PC re boots on seconds of start-up! Any help appreciated!

    Hello! Thanks for taking some interest with my problem. I don't not have the installation disc at this time (I know) My computer reboots on a few seconds on start-up, I might be able to get to the bios if there is a fix in it. Please ask any questions and please suggest anything that can...