MSI z77a-gd65

Forum discussion tagged with MSI z77a-gd65.
  1. P

    Question Z77A-GD65 Can't boot

    hi my MSi Z77A-GD65 gives me every time i what to boot the error codes 4f 55 19 03 i tried to boot withe only 1 Ram stick on all slots i checked the CPU pins i pressed the CMOD button i replaced the BIOS Battery i tried 16 and 4 Gig ram i booted on min seatings --> only CPU 1 RAM and PSU...
  2. O

    I'm building a custom PC for the first time and could use some help

    Hi, So I'm building a custom PC for the very first time and I could use some help. I am borderline clueless when it comes to this topic so any input is much appreciated. If you think I could do something better with it or if I've done something wrong do let me know. Also if you have a...